How cute is she?!
I spotted this sweet little lady on the loo door at Long Beach. I think it's a big improvement on the original, you know the one where we have no hair or expression. Hopefully, someone will come along soon with ye olde Sharpie in hand and give the men's side a little spice, at least give the poor man some facial features. Maybe he could be wearing a wetsuit and have a surfboard by his side. Maybe, that should replace traditional tagging - just have graffiti artists hit all their local loo's and give the folks a make-over, appropriate to the surroundings.
I think it's long overdue. These people who stand as our silent guides, getting us to the correct spot, saving us from the embarrasment of heading into the wrong washroom, never taking a sick day, most likely, earning low wages - surely they deserve a fashion intervention. Raising the self esteem of cut-out people all over the world - one loo at a time! I wonder if they've ever thought of forming a Union?...